Monday, November 16, 2009


The OPIRG Carleton Fall Colloquium presents

From Radical Revolt to Freedom Fighting Justice

With presentations by:
Jessica Yee, Executive Director of the Native Youth Sexual Health Network
Gary Kinsman, co-author of "The Canadian War on Queers"
Ashley Fortier, Q-Team
Zaheen, Agitate! Ottawa

Wednesday Nov 25th
7-9 pm
Montgomery Legion Hall, 330 Kent Street near Somerset Ave (wheelchair accessible)

Suggested donation $5-10, no one turned away
Advance tickets available at OPIRG Carleton (326 UniCentre), OPIRG-GRIPO (631 King Edward Ave, 3rd floor) Venus Envy Ottawa (320 Lisgar St), and Octopus Books (116 Third Ave)

Talk descriptions:

>> Two Spirited Indigenous Feminist Freedom Fighting with Jessica Yee <<

Jessica Yee is a self-described Two Spirited Indigenous Feminist Freedom Fighter - and as such will outline how frameworks like reproductive justice and movements like Indigenous feminism come into play with her work with Two-Spirited youth specifically as the founder and Executive Director of the Native Youth Sexual Health Network - currently the only Aboriginal organization in North America to work within the full spectrum of reproductive and sexual health.

Jessica Yee is a 23 year old Two Spirited young woman from the Mohawk Nation. She is the founder and Executive Director of the Native Youth Sexual Health Network, a North America wide organization working on issues of healthy sexuality, reproductive justice, cultural competency, and youth empowerment.

>> Remembering Revolt and Resistance: Queer Struggles Against the Canadian National Security State with Gary Kinsman <<

Queer liberation started as a radical revolt against heterosexual hegemony in alliance with other groups fighting against oppression and for social liberation. This presentation actively remembers queer organizing against the Canadian national security state from the late 1950s to the 1990s. This resistance undermined and dismantled the Canadian War on Queers which had led to the purging, surveillance, and harassment of thousands of queer identified people. This presentation draws from the just-released book "The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual Regulation" which will be available for sale at the event.

Gary Kinsman is a longtime queer liberation and anti-capitalist activist. He is the author of The Regulation of Desire: Homo and Hetero Sexualities (1996), co-editor of Whose National Security? (2000), and Sociology for Changing the World (2006). He is a professor of Sociology at Laurentian University in Sudbury.

>> Queer Organizing Against Apartheid with Ashley Fortier <<

Drawing on a long history of queer solidarity organizing against South African apartheid, and in response to Israel’s branding of itself as a safe haven for queers in order to distract from its racist policies towards Palestinians, a growing movement of queer solidarity against Israeli Apartheid has emerged in recent years. This presentation will
highlight some organizing successes and challenges throughout Canada and the U.S. and demonstrate the importance for queers to learn about and join in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign against Israel.

Ashley Fortier is based out of Montreal where she organizes around radical queer, prisoner justice, and Palestine solidarity struggles. She's also a part-time activist researcher with the Collectif de recherche sur l'autonomie collective, works as a coordinator at QPIRG Concordia, and hopes one day to complete her graduate certificate in
Editing and Publishing from Ryerson University.

>> Agitating Ottawa: A Local Perspective on Queer Anti-Racist Organizing with Zaheen <<

Think Ottawa’s bureaucratic and stuffy reputation is a drag? Unfortunately, this reputation has permeated many facets of our community, including the activist and queer communities. Anti-racist and queer organizing has never been easy in this city, but we have definitely come a long way. Zaheen from Agitate!, a local collective for queer people of colour, will address some challenges in doing this type of organizing in our city, as well as successes and ways we have overcome and continue to overcome these challenges.

Zaheen is a local community activist and has been a member of Agitate for almost 5 years. She is also involved with other community organizations such as Ladyfest Ottawa, SASC, and has recently joined the staff at OPIRG-GRIPO as one of their Coordinators. In her spare time, she likes to eat ice cream, be a Muslim heathen, and rock out to
Whitney Houston.

* * *

Endorsed by the CUSA GLBTQ Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity, the CUSA Womyn's Centre, the CUSA Aboriginal Service Centre, the Carleton Centre for Aboriginal Culture and Education, OPIRG-Ottawa/GRIPO-Ottawa, the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement-Ottawa, Agitate! Ottawa, Queer fAction, Q-Team, the Native Youth Sexual Health Network, PTS LBTTQ Women's Health and Sexuality Program, Students Against Israeli Apartheid-Carleton, After Stonewall, Venus Envy Ottawa, and Octopus Books.

Brought to you by OPIRG Carleton . . . research, education and action
on social and environmental justice issues, since 1980.

For more info, contact or 613 520 2757.

On facebook:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"CRIMINAL QUEERS" screening in Ottawa!

Saturday, November 14th at 6PM “Agora” of the University of Ottawa's University Centre (UCU, map)
85 University, (bottom floor)

Chris Vargas and Eric Stanley will be in Ottawa presenting their latest film Criminal Queers! Criminal Queers visualizes a radical trans/queer struggle against the prison industrial complex and toward a world without walls. Remembering that prison breaks are both a theoretical and material practice of freedom, this film imagines what spaces might be opened up if crowbars, wigs, and metal files become tools for transformation. Follow Yoshi, Joy, Susan and Lucy as they fiercely read everything from the Human Rights Campaign and hate crimes legislation to the non-profitization of social movements. Criminal Queers grows our collective liberation by working to abolish the multiple ways our hearts, genders, and desires are confined.

Criminal Queers brings together powerful abolitionist voices like Angela Y. Davis (who plays herself in the film), with a fictional, campy world of queer insurrection. Reworking what a queer history might mean for the possibility of surviving the present, the program centers the devastating effects the prison industrial complex (PIC) has had on transgender/ gender non-conforming and queer communities.

The Agora/University Centre is wheelchair-accessible >> Accessible entrances to the UCU can be found here (

(Désolé, le film est seulement disponible en anglais.)

Presented by: QUEER fACTION, OPIRG-GRIPO Ottawa, SFUO Women's Resource Centre, and the University of Ottawa Women's Collective

Nov. 21st Consulta: mobilizing against the G8/G20 summit


****Appel à tous pour le 21 Novembre pour une Consultation****

Appel à tous les groupes, organisations et individus de la Région de l'Outaouais et Ottawa qui sont interressés à se mobiliser contre le Sommet du G8-G20 en Juin 2010.
Le Collectif du Chat Noir vous invites à participer à une consultation Samedi, le 21 Novembre. afin de collaborer à une stratégie de résistance et organiser des évènements locaux et dans d'autres Villes, et ainsi de se mobiliser en préparation pour le Sommet.

Nous sommes un petit collectif d'individus interresé à voir une mobilisation d'envergure et une coalition en opposition contre le sommet du G8-G20. Le Collectif de Chat Noir est un groupe anti capitaliste. Nous nous aderrons aux principes de l'AMP, Cependant, nous sommes prêts à travailler avec des groupes adhérent à d'autres principe organisationnelle.

De cette Consultation, Nous espèrons développer:
1) Un appel commun en opposition au G8 (Un avant-projet sera distribué à l'avance et un temps sera aloué durant la Consultation pour en discuter et le modifier)
2) Un plan concret pour les évènements locaux à venir.
3)Un plan pour une tournée d'information sur la mobilisation contre le G8

La structure décisionelle de la Consultation est une version quelque peut modifié de la règle de Robert (Une proposition à besion d'un vote de 80% pour être approuvée)

Le 21 Novembre
a midi (précis)
Au Centre Communautaire Jack Purcell - situé au 320 Jack Purcell (derrière le Starbuck sur Elgin)
Salle 203

Si vous avez des questions concernant la Consultation (incluant des demandes sur le contenue de l'agenda)
veuiller vous adressez à:

Principes de l'Action mondiale des peuples (AMP)
1. Un rejet très clair du féodalisme, du capitalisme, et de l'impérialisme, ainsi que de tous les accords commerciaux, institutions et gouvernements promoteurs d'une mondialisation destructrice
2. Un rejet très clair de toutes formes et systèmes de domination et de discrimination dont (et de manière non exhaustive) le patriarcat, le racisme et le fondamentalisme religieux de toutes croyances. Nous reconnaissons la dignité entière de tous les êtres humains ;
3. Une attitude de confrontation, puisque nous ne pensons pas que le " lobbying " puisse avoir un impact majeur sur des organisations à tel point partiales et antidémocratiques, pour lesquelles le capital transnational est le seul facteur réel déterminant leur politique.
4. Un appel à l'action directe et à la désobéissance civile, au soutien aux luttes des mouvements sociaux, mettant en avant des formes de résistance qui maximisent le respect pour la vie et pour les droits des peuples opprimés, ainsi qu'à la construction d'al
ternatives locales au capitalisme mondial.
5. Une philosophie organisationnelle fondée sur la décentralisation et l'autonomie.


Callout for the Nov. 21st Consulta

Calling all Ottawa-Outaouais groups, organizations and individuals who are interested in mobilizing against the G8/G20 summit in june 2010

Le Collectif du Chat Noir invites you to participate in a consulta on Saturday November 21st. We are proposing to organize support for actions and events in other cities, as well as mobilizing locally in the lead up to the summit.

We are a loose knit collective of individuals interested in seeing a large scale mobilization and coalition emerge in opposition to the G8/G20 meetings. The Collectif du Chat Noir is an anti-capitalist group. We adhere to the PGA hallmarks, though we are very much open to working with groups who have different organizational principals.

From this consulta we hope to see emerge:
1) A common callout in opposition to the G8 (a draft will be distributed ahead of the meeting and time will be set aside at the consulta to discuss and amend it)
2)Concrete plans for lead up events, based locally
3)Plans for an info-tour about the G8 mobilizations

the decision making structure of the consulta will be a slightly modified version of Robert's Rules (where decisions will need an 80% approval to be considered a majority vote)

November 21st
Noon (sharp)
Jack Purcell Community Center-320 Jack Purcell Lane (right off Elgin, behind the Starbucks)
room 203

any questions regarding the consulta (including requests for agenda items) can be sent to:
The PGA hallmarks:
1) A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation.
2) We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds.
3) We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.
4) A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;
5) A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism.
6)An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.